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Therapists are the Heart 💟 With a Short Self-Compassion Practice

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

Therapists are the Heart - The Therapist Sanctuary - Self-Care for Mental Health Professionals

"Therapists are the heart-holders of our culture."

-Jack Kornfield

As we continue through the holiday season and as we hold space for the tender hearts of our clients and all that the holidays can bring up for them, we can take some moments to hold space and offer self-compassion for our own hearts as well.

Hand to Heart- A Short Self-Compassion Practice to Sooth the Mind & Body

1) In a comfortable seated or lying down position, gently place one or both hands over the heart. Additional options: placing one hand gently over the opposite arm, placing one hand on the belly and one hand on the heart, or giving oneself a gentle hug.

2) As you breathe, tune inward and simply notice the gentle rise and fall of your body with each breath.

3) Continue this simple practice for as long as you'd like, noticing the felt sense of this simple act of self-comfort and self-kindness.


Holding one's hand to the heart releases oxytocin, the hormone that facilitates a felt sense of safety, calm, and belonging, and soothes the mind and body.

This short and sweet check-in can be done throughout the day, before or after work or at home, between sessions, or anytime you'd benefit from a short, gentle ritual of self-compassion.


This practice is based on the Mindful Self Compassion work of Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer.

Thank you for the hope and healing that you bring to the world each day. You are deeply appreciated.

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