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Trail Through Graduate School - Part 2

Hey All –

Well, I have made it to my 5th term as a part-time SNHU CMHC Program student. This month, we learned SNHU is discontinuing the CMHC program in June of 2028. While I can complete my program as long as I’m mindful of any time I take off from here on out, it is heartbreaking and adds an additional layer of stress because I have to be very careful if I want to take any time off for a vacation. I would love to hear your comments below about the program you are enrolled in, as many of my peers at SNHU are now wondering where they can go and I would love to share your insights with them.

This month, I will talk a little about managing stress and burnout and ensuring we are being self-compassionate while trying to get through our studies. This time of the year brings about much stress as we try to juggle the demands of our studies. Some of us may be celebrating a holiday, and we have less sunlight, bringing about Seasonal Affective Disorder for many. According to Cornell Health (n.d), taking a purposeful break from five to sixty minutes can refresh your cognitive abilities, increase your energy, and help you focus.

As much as I love it, coffee is not always the answer!

So what are some ideas for study breaks to disconnect and re-charge?

Cornell Health (n.d) notes several ideas that include:

  • power naps,

  • dancing,

  • listening to music,

  • stretching.

Personally, I love a good ole private dance party.

I also love a nice relaxing yoga practice. Speaking of which, Lorena and I posted a 19-minute video of a Restorative Savasana that we have shared with our members. Why not give it a try?

Short breaks can refresh your focus if you feel pressed for time. One tool that I use for this is Insight Timer. They are a free application that provides a variety of practices for meditation, sleep, and educational activities related to various topics.

What are your strategies for study breaks and the stressors that come with working, going to school, and taking care of the day-to-day things in life?

I would love to hear your thoughts!

I hope to see you in The Therapist Sanctuary!

Check out our FAQ section for more information, or contact us if you have different questions or a topic suggestion! We would love to hear from you.

Until next time,

Cheers, and happy studying!

- Cyn



Cornell Health. (n.d.). Study Breaks & Stress-Busters | Cornell Health. CornellHealth. Retrieved Dec 9, 2023, from



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